Disrupted: Losing Focus & Productivity in the Digital Age

by Aditya "Adi" Tyagi

Northwestern University - MS in Analytics '20


With the advent of work-from-home during COVID-19 or even much before, have you ever felt that you are losing a battle? Not just any battle, but the battle for your focused attention. On the one side, there are the activities that are part & parcel of your life. These can be working on a homework assignment, preparing slides for a presentation, working out, or even as urbane as cooking/doing laundry. On the other hand, there is the constant barrage of smartphone notifications. Even though, they make take only a few minutes/seconds to address, when you return to your original task, you find yourself thoroughly lost. This is only made worse by the high rate of at which these notifications interrupt your work. I have felt myself losing that battle, and set out to visualize their adverse impact. This led me to building Disrupted.


As a data scientist, I started out by collecting data. Lacking test subjects, I volunteered myself. As a result, this is an n=1 study of my own personal experience. You may remark, rightly so, that with such a teeny-weeny sample size, any sort of statistical inference to the larger population would be impossible.

That misses the point of the visualization. Disrupted does not profess to represent all smartphone users. Rather, it chronicles one person's battle to get through the week against the myriad digital distractions that compete for our attention. Hopefully, the visualization will convince you to be more mindful when interacting with your phone.

In an ideal world, I would've liked to collect data about the thousands, if not millions, of smartphone users and mine their phone interaction patterns at scale. I'd then try to get a sense of the collective time, we lose as a society from obsessive smartphone interaction.

Sadly, this shall remain a data scientist's fantasy. Privacy regulations mean that most tech firms are unwilling to share individual user's data. This insight shall remain locked up in one of the big Silicon Valley's HQs.

I used my iPhone 6, which I'd purchased in 2014. The Screentime App (provided by Apple) furnished a wealth of useful data about my phone interaction, notifications pushed, app-usage, etc.

I used the holy trifecta of web development - HTML, Javascript, CSS - to create this exhibit. I used d3.js to create the dynamic visualizations. Finally, I was inspired by code and examples written by Jim Wallandingham to build out the scroll functionality for Disrupted.

No HTML Tags were harmed in the making of this visualization!

Data Collection

I collected four types of data over a busy work week in the middle of the academic quarter.

1) Calendar

I fastidiously noted each of my activities on Google Calendar, and then at the end of the day noted all my activities down into a tabular format using Excel. A sample calendar is shown in Figure I (below). Each row represents an activity I was doing during a half-hour interval on a particular day.

Figure I: Sample Calendar Activity Data

2) Interruptions 

Every time I would be interrupted by my smartphone I would note the following variables (depicted in Figure II below):

While deciding whether or not an interruption was important (a subjective question), I set the following standard:

Some examples are in order:

Figure II: Sample Interruptions Data

3) Pickups & Notifications

This was data about the number of times I picked up the phone as well as the number of notifications pushed by my phone. Both were grouped in hourly intervals. Furthermore, it is important to note that notifications were not "on" for all apps. Rather, only those apps that I usually used had notifications turned on. This was done to capture as much as possible my natural notification patterns (without conscious intervention). Lastly, to ensure that I didn't miss recording any notifications, I intentionally set the notification settings to be "loud" rather than "vibrate". A sample pickup & notification data sheet is shown in Figure III below.

Figure III: Sample Pickups & Notifications Data

4) Time Spent

This was data about time spent on each app grouped on a daily basis. Again, sourced from the Screentime App on my iPhone. This is depicted in Figure IV below. Each row represents a day of the week; each column represents the amount of time (mins) spent on that app for each day of the week.

Figure IV: Sample Time Spent Data


This raises a fundamental question about our very own human existence: autonomy. How much of what we do is truly resulting from our free will versus external prompting? In this case, how much do we really interact with our smartphones because we really want to versus because our smartphone wants to (i.e. by pushing a notification)?

To answer this question, I set out to develop an autonomy score. Simply put, the autonomy score measures how much of your phone interaction (operationalized as ‘No. of pickups’)  results from your own free will vs. an external (environmental) push notification (operationalized as No. of push notifications).

To calculate an autonomy score, I trained the simplest possible model (a simple linear regression) to predict my number of pickups throughout the day (dependent variable) based on the number of notifications I received (independent variable). Then, the autonomy score is calculated as:

Autonomy score = 1 – R2pickups, notifs

where  R2pickups, notifs is the coefficient of determination of the model.

Intuitively, the higher the R2pickups, notifs , the more your phone picking up behavior is determined by external notifications pushed, and thus the lower your ‘autonomy’. The opposite is true if R2pickups, notifs   is low. This implies that you pick up your phone out of your own free will. 


Some of the challenges I faced in building this visualization were:

  • Having the discpline to collect data accurately for the entire one-week period.
  • Understanding the web development techniques used to build such a project (this is my first web dev project of such a scale)
  • Understanding how to build scroll-based visualizations in d3.js
  • Tying back some of the conclusions of Disrupted to scientific research in the field of productivity.
Our journey begins on Saturday. A pretty relaxed day, really getting started around Noon.
And the invasion of disruptions begins! A study session around 4:00PM is punctuated by 2 Messenger messages, and an email.
Pickups and notifications are closely related. Around 4:00PM, presumably during the study session, I ignore multiple notifications. A good sign! But that is quickly offset towards the end of the day (11:00PM) when I pickup the phone multiple times unprompted. :(
And with that we begin the last day of the weekend - Sunday. A lot more working today than Saturday. Similar to Saturday, a late start - around Noon. But I miss out on my meditation. Let's see how that affects the rest of the day!
Today the assault, led by WhatsApp, is ferocious! A total of 5 disruptions while I'm eating and 4 while I'm studying. Must be my friends dropping messages after recovering from the weekend. They make their presence felt in the dozen WhatsApp groups I'm part of.
Looks like missing out on meditation didn't hurt. I survive a notification barrage around 4:00PM by resisting the urge to pickup my phone. Like every morning, the first thing I do is pickup my phone (around 9:00AM) before going back to sleep. (unhealth, I know!)
And now we begin the workday (aka Monday)! I begin the day at a respectable hour (9:00AM), and also find time to workout around 6:00PM.
This time the disruptions attack intelligently, hitting where it hurts most: right during the middle of my workday (1:00PM - 3:00PM). FB Messenger is the chief offender.
As in most days, pickups closely mirror notifications pushed. But I resist the urge to pickup, despite a heavy barrage of notifications around 4:00PM. I must've been making up for lost time earlier in the day.
A new day! A new beginning! I find time to meditate, workout, and also study. A pretty balanced day!
Today the disruption assault is led by messenger and email. Presumably, University-related emails are being sent out as the week heats up. Particularly unnerving, Messenger interrupts my workout at 6:00PM, 5 times!
Other than the usual, note that around 1:00PM while studying, I lose hope, and check my phone without prompting. Bad focus!
The middle of the week is here! And it brings with it an exam at 11:00AM.
Despite being the middle of the week, there is an odd peace today. A lot fewer disruptions!
I win a major victory at 1:00PM. A barrage of notifications are pushed, but I successfully repel the invasion by picking up my phone a grand total of zero times. At 1:00PM, I was talking to family! (they say family comes first for a reason! ;)
The week is drawing to a close. And so is my discipline. I get started with my day around Noon. :(
There is an explosion of WhatsApp disruptions around 11:00PM, while I'm talking to my family. They're likely my friends in the Eastern Hemisphere, as it's daylight there.
Today, I score a major personal win: I pickup my phone 0 times at 6:00PM, despite a rise in notifications. I guess they were right: working out helps focus not just the body, but also the mind (in resisting the urge to check your phone!)
Hooray! We're at the end of the week. I try finishing strong: getting started with my day around 10:00AM.
But the disruptions mount one final assault, with Gmail striking me while studying/working out around 6:00PM. The WhatsApp barrage arrives a little later, disrupting my delicious end of week dinner which I usually eat with great solace. :(
There is a humongous explosion of notifications around 8:00PM. With most of the US now officially in weekend mode, my phone is set alight with notifications. I give into the urge to by picking up my phone. Why not, we're at the end of yet another intense MSiA week.
Autonomy doesn't come free!
You can see a clear trend: my autonomy in interacting with my phone breaks down towards the end of the week (~Thursday/Friday) In case you forgot, the autonomy score measures how much of my phone picking up activity was driven by my own free will vs. notifications pushed by my phone.
It's just not that important!
Larger numbers of notifications are pushed towards the end of the week - likely because social media is heating up due to the impending weekend. For each day, only a tiny fraction of notifications were important. This says a lot about the wasteful distraction these disruptions can cause.
It all adds up!
Disruptions are generally small. Most took up no more than 2-4 seconds of my attention, but the cost in lost mindfullness and quality of life is tremendous.


Perhaps now, you can now fully appreciate the havoc that frequent little notifications can cause. In fact, they often disrupt important activities like studying, or sometimes even harmless pastimes like exercising or reading. Meanwhile, notifications and phone pickups seem to be strongly related. When notifications spike so do, phone pickups. By hovering over individual disruptions, you may even have noticed that an overwhelmingly large number of them are not important. They generally also take on the order of seconds to deal with. They why are they deadly? Explore the science below to find out. 

The Science

Psychologists have long spoken of 'attention residue' which is the time our brain takes to fully re-absorb ourselves in a task after an interruption. Psychologists have estimated that this causes about a 40% drop in productivity. 

In Deep Work[4], author Cal Newport talks about how our ability to focus deeply on a task without distractions is dwindling, and why those who possess the ability to do deep work (defined as professional activities conducted under a high degree of focus) will be winners in the new economy. Even more than the economic aspects, there is a happiness component too. According to cancer survivor Winifred Gallagher[5], people who focus, with fewer distractions are happier and more satisfied.  

In fact, multitasking. (i.e. coding, while shopping on Amazon, while writing a slack message) is a myth. In a study[1] by Rogers & Monsell, it was noted that participants were slower when they had to switch tasks than when they repeated the same task. In another study, conducted in 2001 by Rubinstein et al[2] found that participants lost significant amounts of time as they switched between multiple tasks and lost even more time as the tasks became increasingly complex.

Rubinstein et al note that there are two stages to the executive control process.

  1. The first stage is known as goal shifting (deciding to do one thing instead of another).
  2. The second is known as role activation (changing from the rules for the previous task to rules for the new task).

Switching between tasks requires both of these steps to take place. Althought they may only add a few tenths of a second, this can start to accumulate when our minds switch tasks repeatedly. Think of immediately answering a slack message while writing code for an important project (and doing this multiple times an hour).  

Prolonged 'disruptions' can have impact on the brain. Clifford Nass [3] found that people who were considered heavy multitaskers were actually worse at sorting out relevant information from irrelevant details. They also showed greater difficulty when it came to switching from one task to another and were much less mentally organized. To make matters scary, even when these 'multitaskers' were focused on a single task, their brains were less effective and efficient.


After the visualization, what would you do differently? For one, it is clear that frequent notifications can cause more harm than one might suspect. They certainly have an impact on quality of life. Well, a good first step is to resist the urge to check your phone while you are in the middle of an activity. The visualization has hopefully convinced you that it likely isn't important to what you're doing. As a long term solution, you can selectively turn off notifications for non-essential apps. This ensures that you hold the initiative when you interact with your smartphone as opposed to the phone.  

Next Steps

I hope that Disrupted has convinced you of the deleterious impact smartphones have on our daily lives. While data scientists can shine the spotlight, they must collaborate with other domain specialists like psychologists, productivity experts, and engineers by:

  • Making smartphones that are truly 'smart' about managing notifications. For e.g., by automated classification of the importance of a notification
  • Building context-aware products that are capable of sensing user context (we already have context-aware recommendater systems)
  • Investigating further the impact of obsessive smart phone usage on one's productivity, and more importantly one's happiness.


1. Rogers R, Monsell S. The costs of a predictable switch between simple cognitive tasks Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 1995;124:207-231.)

2. Rubinstein JS, Meyer DE, Evans, JE. Executive control of cognitive processes in task switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 2001;27(4):763-797.

3. Ophir E, Nass C, Wagner AD. Cognitive control in media multitaskers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences for the United States of America. 2009;106(37):15583-15587.

4. Newport C. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:. Barnes & Nobles 2016

5. 5. Gallagher W Rapt: . Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life: The Penguin Press 2009